Kiermes an Hämmelsmarsch 2. & 3. Mäerz 2024

03 February 2024

« Kiermes », the celebration of the two protectors of Strassen’s parish, St Albin and St Laurentius, takes place in spring and autumn. The

Fanfare Stroossen is performing the traditional Hämmelsmarsch for all inhabitants. A fund raising collect tries to bring enough money

together to purchase new instruments for the musicians. A “Tusch” will be performed for 10 € or more, the waltz “Kiermes am Duerf”

for 15 € or more, a triple “Tusch” together with “Kiermes am Duerf” for 25 € or more. You are free to support your Fanfare by any

other donation. Fanfare Stroossen thanks you and wishes you a joyful Kermis Sunday.